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Friday, August 01, 2008

ROAD TRIPP!!!!(sorta...)

On wednesday wake up quite early..haha...fahmi woke me up since it was his off day from work and my boring day and we decided to go over the causeway. so we make our way over the causeway,at the checkpoint i was having some trouble. You see, they upgraded the place and our singapore passport need not be stamp animore instead they have dis new biometric thingy whr u scan ur own passport and proceed to the next barricade to confirm your identity with your thumb print..and ya..since the last known date which i go over the causeway was a week ago on a bike i didnt noe how to use it..lol..you have to flip ur passport the the back page and slot it in..well i kinda put mi whole passport in..hahaha...fahmi say "turn to the last page and slot it in". i did well kinda the wrong thing..you see u have to turn to the last page where thr is ur pic and slot it in wit the pic facing down so they can scan it..well i face it up,hahha...a women beside me help mi..lol..so we clear the checkpoint and went to jb..we walk around at city square,had lunch there and buy ciggy..(wats the point of goin over the causeway w/o getting a malaysian ciggy??ITS DAMN CHEAP!!!)we reali dun have a plan and we reali duno wat to do..so we walk to kota raya and walk around the shopping mall...IT WAS BORING!!!!the whole 5th storey of the shop was nthg but shop sellin traditional clothing..hahaha..well i suggest we went to angsana, i nvr been thr and i duno it was far.we took a cab frm jb to angasana..den we walk around...again it was a big shopping cntr with relatively nthg...hahaha...seriously..den fahmi gt a bright plan.."we go KL uh mon!" hmmmmm....i tot to miself since it was mi boring day so yeah we head down to larkin and take the first bus dats gonna depart..we took dis bus call MAYANG SARI..

10:53 AM

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


ok....I've waited a long time...it seems im nt getting ani calls frm you...OH COME ON!! put mi out of this misery PLEASE!!PLEASE!! call mi up soon....all mi frens have been call up and got thier letter why haven i? im nt turning ani younger by the day damn it!!im 21 and older and if i have to go into the army ani older i b rotting inside when all mi youth is gone....SO PLEASE GOD!! let mi have dis last dignity of youth in mi spent inside NS!! i even go to the extent of calling them up saying i wanna opt for early enlistment..they say "well i put ur request through and juz leave ur phone no and they will call you..." BUMMMER!! serious BUMMER!! its been 2 weeks since i done dat and nothing...pfft...i dunn wanna be lik those idiot dat waited nearly a year to go in...sheezz...i mean a year of waiting?!i mean ya.. maybe its good cos u got to do alot of stuff lik saving up money,maybe by a bike or someting else (i swear i done the pros and con of enlistment) but nothing seems more rewarding then freedom! FREEDOM!! come on people!!wake up...DO YOUR GODDAMN JOB and call this youth to the army (Im not pointing at anione else other then me!)....PHEW...i let it out....ok cool...

Alrite i've been doing barista at work(well not on sat and sun or ani ph for dat matter cos i noe im gonna get SLAM!)it seems alrite.. been one when i work at cavana during mi sec school days..so its ok but oni one damn thing is driving mi nuts! The whip cream dispenser...not the disposable one..the one dat have catridges inside..dat one..i kinda hate dat thing..cos everytime i try to use it and when i press it right...the whole whip cream juz explode all around..its like..its like..mind mi for this but its like and ejaculatin dats out of control!!!SERIOUSLY...im not kiddin...and everytime i dispense the cream nearly one-quarter of mi working area is cover in cream...GOSH!!...even when i squeeze it slowly..it still got out of control...sheeez...but hey...i guess its fun..n mi first day i've done lik 6 banana split..for a newbie to get 6 banana split..dats incredible..lol...well...im off to work now..bye...till nxt post

8:04 PM

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


So today when over to dover ite for mi graduation, like finally..hahah..when over there with a few friends of mine..well we were usher in this auditorium and theres like freaking lots of ppl la! a whole lot frm the whole of west collage ( which consist of 4 schools in whole).Ouh did i forgot we from the culinary side have to wear our Chef jacket for our ceremony..Spent some cash on formal wear for nothing..Major Bummer! so the event start with a speech( as usual) by this director of F and B of Singapore ( sori dude cant remember ur name). and then with a performance by ITE art society..somesort of a musical..the first song was seriously dope..but somehow it was ok..The second song they performed..now...it was a serious nightmare! Its like watching high school musical live on stage with a couple of singer who didnt make it for the audition..ok , maybe i am exaggerating but the song was quite upbeat though.. i swear if it wasnt by personal refrain of miself and from mi fren, i tink i would have jump onto the stage and dance and sing along with em like a crazed lunatic...

Saw sani dude..his in for a progression award cos of his achievement as a 4.0 pointer..(pfft..ok dude i admit...clever ppl unlike 3.1 pointer like me...hahah...) and so i when up to the stage to get mi certificate or so i tot..i was so happy like finally i get mi cert and came sani.." dude wats inside the folder?" so i open it up...and guess wat? Bloody hell there wasnt ani certificate inside la...Stupid dumbfcks!
wats inside is a slip of paper stating dis "Dear graduate, Congratulation on successful completion of ur course study in ITE! Please collect your certificate after this ceremony at the registration counter" =_=.. This piece of paper can go for a bloody interview and get a bloody job la...stupid...aha..If you guys are lazy enough as to put in our certification inside this folder then dun bloodyhell have a ceremony at all...i dunno abt other school though but i guess doin this means either the Organizing comittee is seriously messed up or the schools messed up...oh well...sori for mi outburst( if anibody is reading this btw) but its juz that..cos i think we work hard for 2 years and seriously we at least need to feel our certification at that moment nt by a piece of paper in which staing we have to queue up after the ceremony in order to have it.

So i sat down and sani took his award,like seriously when he walk over the stage i swear i wanna shout "WOHOOO 4 POINTER!!" but somehow..it never came out..ball-less as usual...i guess...so me and sani dude tot wanna run away frm the whole ceremony, so we make a move for the exit only to be held up by a lecturer stating we cannot leave, so i created an excuse and told her im gonna change cos being in dis isnt actually exciting..i went to change and tot sani escape, too while changing, he text mi up saying he cant go out..BUMMER! so i went back after i changed and saw him..we were too bored so we sit at the entrance of the exit..as usual we tok crap that make some of the SC(school councilor) laugh..and abit of camwhore..haha...we sat and the moment we heard the last speaker saying "thank you" we rushed to the exit, being a typical singaporean,(erhemmm which i am.. )i dun wannna queue up to take my bloody cert so i was first..haha..took it and head down to the caterer..hahah...and we went home..Sani Dude let me hear this song by the plain white t's kinda emo...but i was in the mood..so ya..dis it...till the nxt post..See ya...

10:14 AM

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What If?...

Alrite so theres a reason to dis blog title...in life we always face situation in which we always tink in the what if?ahaha...well what if is a big what if...hahaha...we dunno a shit if we dun do or put in action in watever things we planned to do..haha..so no used in thinking about it..and theres a song to it..its kinda like my theme song in life..to fight harder and stronger?yeah sort of lik dat...hahah...well enjoy the song..hmmm been working in dome after my attachment stint..still i haven given back the uniform...hurhur..have to go back in one of dis daes..hahaha..life in dome bishan is ok la...aint dat bad...theres slam but nthg dat i cant handle and the slam still slow la...nt the kind im looking forward to unlike mi last job at epicurious at robertson quay...imagine a 40 seater cafe, located right smack in the middle of condos that is swarming with expats..on a normal weekday nights its still alrite but on weekend breakfast till dinner..we have like 3 turnover for breakfast and they used up 1000 eggs..and 6 turnover for lunch and dinners..now thats a slam...it so busy that i didnt have time to smoke a ciggy worse still its so busy i dun even have times to scratch my balls...hahaha...but its alrite..i miss that place..domes ok...aint much of a biggy..hahah...well till the next time...

9:34 AM

Thursday, April 24, 2008

12 April 2008

Wake up in the morning by the call of nana bro asking me to come over and help him become his model for his catalogue.He is selling all of this hoodies and shirt and i think its kinda cool!got pics of it below and anione of ya wanna buy it pm me for it ya?after the photo shoot when over to youth park to help them out at the flea market while on the way there it started to pour like mad!! me and his bro was drenched while we pick our spot,luckily we got the spot right at the entrance to youth park.When it stop to rain, we push all of out stuff over and set up our stall..It was fun setting up the stall..hahaha...we manage to sell 5 hoodies and a few of stussy T's after that around 7, we pack up our stuff and when back home. Her mum treat us to dinner after we reach home!hahahah...

19 April 2008

When out with 2 of my best Buds!hahaha..actually didnt wana go out cos not in the mood and i was suffering from the withdrawal symptom but in the end Ira one of mi best bud persuaded me and yes i went out with them. we met at far east and make our way to taka cos i gt te craving for auntie anne's pretzel! but in the end i didnt bought it..haah...when to the market place on basement 2 and i bought a jumbo hot dog..hahah..its damn huge la! den we went out and we saw this guyholding this sign up saying "free hug".we walk past him and mi other bestie Kei give him a hug..hahahah...so we walk our way to plaza sing in the hope of me finding mi geeky spec cos dats wat ira sae,"at daiso got"...hahah...went there and there wasnt ani...DOPE!!hahah...so we didnt noe where to go and slack at Plaza Sing for awhile and we walk to suntec..haha...it was cool la...at suntec, ira started to become emo..lol..cos a few weeks den i told them not to contact me for the time being cos im not miself at that moment and wanted to recuperate so as to get miself back again.She started to be emo and told me not to leave her animore..=/.. hahaha...ya i convince her i wont and somehow after that i fell asleep!hahaha...the next thing i noe she was waking me up...so we went to marina and had our dinner at Long John Silver and slack outside at te grass patch and i started to cam whore...hahaha...well wen went back home soon after...

7:59 PM

Friday, April 04, 2008

Today was a tiring day...hectic to say...4 people on mc and one of my senior on my station is on mc too...WTH!!hahaha....i have alot of stuff to do...luckily another senior came at 1 and lynn frm sunrise culinary skol..help me out..after work mi old khy and his gf sharifah pick mi up fmr changi airport...awww so swit of them...ya rit..hahaha...when to bugis wit them and return some of his gf book..den we ate this chewy puff...delicious...awesomely delicious!hahaha...when home...on the train home...tot of some stuff...but i skip it aniwae..haha..

9:03 AM

Monday, March 31, 2008

Have you ever wish u coud have powers?powers that you noe u could use to change someting and to help someone. i wish i could..i wish i could change back time and mit someone earlier den im suppose to. like the guy in heroes Hiro Nakamura. i wish i have his power.i reali do.

"The Perfect Word Never Cross My Mind Cause There Was Nothing In There But You"

8:05 AM

Monday,An asshole with addiction to ciggy and coffee,not to mention Vespa..A pessimist,a narcissist and an arsonist who burns cigarette for a living.Love to chase and be broken but somehow never does gets it.A great cook(lik really)and an awesome fren(self-flattery at its best)(

Irah | Samantha | Sin Wee
Sani Dude | Dean | Ductape Apparels
friend | friend | friend

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